Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Meat in the Media

As a food lover, I have thoroughly enjoyed the recent articles in major men's magazines about meats, beef and steakhouses. Men's Journal did a meat bible. GQ had a nice piece as did Maxim's July issue - "Building A Meat Temple" about the perfect brick grilling station. My favorite, however, was a feature in this month's Details (with Brad Pitt on the cover). The article, entitled "The Best New Steakhouses in America," profiles some of the hottest beefeterias around the country in an attempt to break the mold of red checkered tableclothes and dark wooden walls. While many of these places are still full of white collared, corporate card power types, most boast a stylishly designed interior decor that somehow tricks the brain into feeling like less calories are being consumed. Personally, i have eaten at Craftsteak in Las Vegas and have my eye on Quality Meats in Manhattan for a near-future boy's night out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Delmonico's in Vegas. Maybe not a true blue steak house but from what I remember, it was damn tasty.